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Renesansa je umjetnički pokret koji je nastao u Italiji u prvim decenijama XV vijeka. Sam termin doslovno znači preporod.



Glavne odlike renesanse su vraćanje principima klasične umjetnosti, uvođenje perspektive, zamjena drvene table kao podloge za slikanje platnom, interesovanje za što vjernije prikazivanje čovjeka, oslobađanje od krutog shematizma gotske umjetnosti. Nijedno umjetničko razdoblje nije bilo toliko bogato velikim slikarima kao renesansa. Neki od najvećih predstavnika pravca su Leonardo da Vinči, Ticijan, Mikelanđelo, Beato Anđeliko, Botičeli.



Renesansa je ohrabrivala naučnike da istraže nove ideje i ospore postojeća mišljenja. Poljski astronom Nikola Kopernik (1473–1543) utvrdio je 1543. godine da se Sunce nalazi u centru solarnog sistema i da se sve planete kreću oko njega. Ta ideja je bila u suprotnosti sa crkvenom naukom, koja je vjekovima podržavala stav o Zemlji kao središtu svemira.

Naučni pronalasci


Renesansni čovjek bio je neko ko je mogao da radi više toga odjednom. Takav je bio Leonardo da Vinči (1452–1519), uomo universale italijanske renesanse i najpoznatiji intelektualac tog perioda. Bio je slikar, vajar, astronom, arhitekta, pronalazač; napravio je podmornicu, skafander, bušilicu, izradio je nacrte za helikopter i tenk. Bavio se i anatomijom, kako bi otkrio više o tome kako čovek funkcioniše.



Italijanske vojvode i crkveni poglavari međusobno su se takmičili u novčanom podržavanju renesansnih umjetnika, a sve radi veličanja sopstvenih zemalja.



Arhitekte tog razdoblja tražile su nadahnuće u mnogo starijim umjetničkim pravcima. U svoje građevine su umetali klasične stubove, zaobljene lukove i kupole. Rad na Firentinskoj katedrali započet je 1296. u srednjevjekovnom gotskom stilu, ali je arhitekta Filipo Bruneleski (1377–1446) završio građevinu dodavši veličanstvenu kupolu. Ta katedrala je predstavljala uzor svim budućim renesansnim crkvama.

Unutrašnje poveznice



  • H,W. Janson, Istorija umetnosti, Beograd 1962.
  • Đina Piskel, Opšta istorija umetnosti, Beograd 1972.
  • Dejiny umenia, Michael V, Altpatov, Martin 1976
  • Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti, L.Z. FNRJ, Zagreb 1959.
  • Mala prosvetina enciklopedija, Beograd, 1959.
  • Svetové dejiny umenia, B.F. Groslier, Larusse, Praha 1996.
  • Istorija drevne umetnosti, J.J. Vinkelman, Novi Sad 1996.
  • Dejiny estetiky, Wladislaw Tatarkiewitz, Bratislava 1985.
  • Dejiny umenia, Martyn Janek, Karel Thiry, Bratislava 1990.
  • Kratak pregled istorije umetnosti, Milan Ružić, Sarajevo 1970.
  • Slikarski pravci XX veka, Lazar Trifunović, Beograd, 1981.
  • Jacob Burckhardt The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (1860), a famous classic;
  • Reynolds, L. D. and Wilson, Nigel Scribes and Scholars: A guide to the transmission of Greek and Latin Literature Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1974
  • Bartlett, Kenneth, ed. The Civilization of the Italian Renaissance: A Sourcebook (2nd ed. 2011)
  • Vincent Cronin (1969), The Flowering of the Renaissance, ISBN 0-7126-9884-1
  • Vincent Cronin (1992), The Renaissance, ISBN 0-00-215411-0
  • Campbell, Gordon. The Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance. (2003). 862 pp.
  • Davis, Robert C. Renaissance People: Lives that Shaped the Modern Age. (2011). ISBN 978-1-60606-078-0
  • Ergang, Robert (1967), The Renaissance, ISBN 0-442-02319-7
  • Ferguson, Wallace K. (1962), Europe in Transition, 1300–1500, ISBN 0-04-940008-8
  • Fisher, Celia. Flowers of the Renaissance. (2011). ISBN 978-1-60606-062-9
  • Fletcher, Stella. The Longman Companion to Renaissance Europe, 1390–1530. (2000). 347 pp.
  • Grendler, Paul F., ed. The Renaissance: An Encyclopedia for Students. (2003). 970 pp.
  • Hale, John. The Civilization of Europe in the Renaissance. (1994). 648 pp.; a magistral survey, heavily illustrated
  • Hall, Bert S. Weapons and Warfare in Renaissance Europe: Gunpowder, Technology, and Tactics (2001)
  • Hattaway, Michael, ed. A Companion to English Renaissance Literature and Culture. (2000). 747 pp.
  • Jensen, De Lamar (1992), Renaissance Europe, ISBN 0-395-88947-2
  • Johnson, Paul. The Renaissance: A Short History. (2000). 197 pp.
  • Keene, Bryan C. Gardens of the Renaissance. (2013). ISBN 978-1-60606-143-5
  • King, Margaret L. Women of the Renaissance (1991) excerpt and text search
  • Kristeller, Paul Oskar, and Michael Mooney. Renaissance Thought and its Sources (1979)
  • Nauert, Charles G. Historical Dictionary of the Renaissance. (2004). 541 pp.
  • Patrick, James A., ed. Renaissance and Reformation (5 vol 2007), 1584 pages; comprehensive encyclopedia
  • Plumb, J. H. The Italian Renaissance (2001)
  • Paoletti, John T. and Gary M. Radke. Art in Renaissance Italy (4th ed. 2011)
  • Robin, Diana; Larsen, Anne R.; and Levin, Carole, eds. Encyclopedia of Women in the Renaissance: Italy, France, and England (2007) 459p.
  • A. L. Rowse|Rowse, A. L. The Elizabethan Renaissance: The Life of the Society (2000)
  • Rundle, David, ed. The Hutchinson Encyclopedia of the Renaissance. (1999). 434 pp.; numerous brief articles online edition
  • Turner, Richard N. Renaissance Florence (2005)
  • Ward, A. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol 1: The Renaissance (1902) older essays by scholars; emphasis on politics
  • Bouwsma, William J. "The Renaissance and the drama of Western history." American Historical Review (1979): 1-15. in JSTOR
  • Caferro, William. Contesting the Renaissance (2010)
  • Ferguson, Wallace K. "The Interpretation of the Renaissance: Suggestions for a Synthesis." Journal of the History of Ideas (1951): 483-495. online in JSTOR
  • Ferguson, Wallace K. "Recent trends in the economic historiography of the Renaissance." Studies in the Renaissance (1960): 7-26.
  • Ferguson, Wallace Klippert. The Renaissance in historical thought (AMS Press, 1981)
  • Grendler, Paul F. "The Future of Sixteenth Century Studies: Renaissance and Reformation Scholarship in the Next Forty Years," Sixteenth Century Journal Spring 2009, Vol. 40 Issue 1, pp 182+
  • Ruggiero, Guido, ed. A Companion to the Worlds of the Renaissance. (2002). 561 pp.
  • Starn, Randolph. "A Postmodern Renaissance?" Renaissance Quarterly 2007 60(1): 1–24 in Project MUSE
  • Summit, Jennifer. "Renaissance Humanism and the Future of the Humanities." Literature Compass (2012) 9#10 pp: 665-678.
  • Trivellato, Francesca. "Renaissance Italy and the Muslim Mediterranean in Recent Historical Work," Journal of Modern History (March 2010), 82#1 pp: 127–155.
  • Woolfson, Jonathan, ed. Palgrave advances in Renaissance historiography (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005)
  • Ross, James Bruce, and Mary M. McLaughlin, eds. The Portable Renaissance Reader (1977)



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