Wp/cho/Anumpa ʋlhpesa

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Anumpa ʋlhpesa (I̱kilish: grammar) Anumpa ʋlhpesa Chahta yʋt ʋlhpesa anoli. Anumpa ʋlhpesa ʋt holisso micha holissochi anoli.

Chahta anumpa holisso edit

A, A̱, Ai, Au, Ʋ, B, Ch, E, F, H, Hl/Lh, I, I̱, K, L, M, N, O, O̱, P, S, Sh, t, U, U̱, W, Y
a, a̱, ai, au, ʋ, b, ch, e, f, h, hl/lh, i, i̱, k, l, m, n, o, o̱, p, s, sh, t, u, u̱, w, y

Holisso (consonants) edit

b, ch, f, h, k, l, hl/lh, m, n, p, s, sh, t, w, y

Holisso (vowels) edit

a, a̱, i, i̱, o, o̱

Holisso (diphthongs) edit

ai/ay, au/aw

Holissochi (nouns) edit

  • ʋlla (child)
  • hattak (man)
  • ohoyo (woman)
  • tobi (beans)
  • ʋpa (eat)
  • holisso (letter, page, book, sentence)

Holissochi (verbs) edit

  • chompa (buy)
  • pisa (see)
  • toshoa (translate)

Holissochi (adjectives) edit

  • achukma (good)
  • chito (big)
  • himitta (young)
  • okpulo (bad)
  • ossi/ushi (small)
  • humma (red)

Holissochi (noun phrases) edit

Ohoyo himitta (woman young)

  • tashoa: young woman

ʋlla ossi (child small)

  • tashoa: small child

ofi okpulo (dog bad)

  • tashoa: bad dog

Holissochi (Word order of numbers and demonstratives) edit

okhisushi ossi achʋffa pa̱ (window small one this)

  • tashoa: this one small window

bok kapʋssa lʋwa (river cold many)

  • tashoa: many cold rivers

aboha talhapi yʋmma̱ (room five those)

  • tashoa: those five rooms

Holissochi (Sentences) edit

Holissochi order:

subject-ʋt + object + verb + (tense marker) + (negation) + (question)

Holissochi (Subject marker -ʋt) edit

Hattak-ʋt tobi ʋpa. (Man-subject bean eat)

  • tashoa achʋffa: The man eats beans.
  • tashoa tukklo: The man is eating beans.

Ʋllatek ilʋppʋt holisso apisa ia. (girl subject school goes)

  • tashoa achʋffa: This girl goes to school.
  • tashoa tukklo: This girl is going to school.

Holissochi (Object marker -a) edit

Ohoyo-ʋt ofi-a pisa. (Woman-subject dog-object see)

  • tashoa: The woman sees a dog.

Sapokni-ʋt tobi-ya̱ chompa. (Grandmother-subject bean-object buy)

  • tashoa: Grandmother is buying the beans.

Holissochi (Predicate marker -h) edit

Holissochi (Negation kiyo) edit

Sʋshki-ʋt pishokchi chompa kiyo. (Mother-subject milk buy not)

  • tashoa: Mother is not buying milk.

Holissochi (Question marker -o) edit

Amafo-ʋt tanchi lʋwa ʋpah-o? (Grandfather-subject corn many eat-question)

  • tashoa: Is granfather eating a lot of corn?

Holissochi edit

Holisso sipokni edit

Pisa hak edit

Itatakʋli edit