James Prescott Joule (sorang i Salford, Inggris, 24 Desember 1818 – maninggal i Greater Manchester, Inggris, 11 Oktober 1889 i umur 70 taon) ima sada ilmuwan Inggris. Ia targorar manjadi pangarumus Hukum Kakekalan Energi, na obarna,:
Energi inda bisa ibaen sanga i agoon.
Ia ima sada ilmuwan Inggris na jop roana fisika. Dohot pangkajoan, ia marhasil mambuktionn molo milas (kalori) inda lain ima sada bontuk energi. Dohot songoni ia marhasil manipukkon teori kalorik, teori na manyataon milas manjadi zat alir.
Salah sada satuan energi—Joule—digorar arani ia.
Pautan ruar
- The scientific papers of James Prescott Joule (1884) - annotated by Joule
- The joint scientific papers of James Prescott Joule (1887) - annotated by Joule
- Classic papers of 1845 and 1847 at ChemTeam website On the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat and On the Existence of an Equivalent Relation between Heat and the ordinary Forms of Mechanical Power