Wp/ann/Ferdinand Magellan

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Wp > ann > Ferdinand Magellan

Fredinand Magellan (1480-27 Epuren 1521) ìre usọ òweek-ere, ogwu Pọtugalu. Ọmọ ore adasi ogwu Yurop òkọkọp uji ọfọ isaba Emen-awaji Pasifik mè ire si adasi ogwu òkọkọp me uji ikana linyọn̄. Uran̄ Magellan okọpbe ìkijeen ibe ke linyọn̄ ìkup okokop.[1][2]

Ogugo kè Fedinand Magellan

Eman ọmọ me acha 1480 me Pọto me Pọtugalu.[3] Ọmọ ìkisi ikwaan̄ me oyet-egep ogwu ubọọn̄ ido ya. Mije nte mè nga kan̄ enan̄abe me uwu ubọọn̄ me Pọtugalu, mgbọ ema ekwube iraka, Magellan onenikana ogwu osat inyi ogwu ubọọn̄ enenwaan̄ ido ya me mgbọ ọmọ, Magellan, orebe akọp acha. Me owu ubọọn̄ ya, îkween̄ owuwa inu [4] kire igwogwook ogugo-ijọn̄, ikọkọp uji ọfọ mè <astronomy>. Me acha 1505, igọgọọk inin̄ ogbo ebi akọn̄ okwaan̄. Mgbo îkisi ikwaan̄ inyi ido Pọtugalu, îsi owuwa ere kire India Achọ Inu Ibala-inorie, Afirika agan̄ mbum-ura, mè Moroko. Me Moroko ke îsak unan me emen acha 1513, mè inikije kpensọk me otutuuk osik [remainder] ugwem kan̄. Mgbo esan̄abe ọmọ me okwaan̄ ogwu ubọọn̄ Pọtugalu, onenikana ikisi ikwaan̄ inyi ogwu ubọọn̄ Sipen.

Ọmọ ore adasi ogwu okọkọp me uji iraka me emen Utibi kè Magellan. Ìkwu me Filipins me 27 Epuren 1521 me Machitan me etim îtimbe mèlek ebi ama ya mgbọ ebiba etoon̄be ọmọ ikọ ibe ke îchiin̄ inu. Charles òso go ogwu Sipen ìnyi ọmọ uji ọfọ go ibe isa ikọp uran ikana linyọn̄. Ge gaalek me lek uji chaa eyi ekigwen Vikitoria okọp uran̄ ya ire òta.


  1. Nowell, Charles E. (ed) 1962. Magellan's voyage around the world: three contemporary accounts. Evanston: NU Press.
  2. Bergreen, Laurence 2003. Over the edge of the world: Magellan's terrifying circumnavigation of the globe. William Morrow. Template:Wp/ann/ISBN
  3. Daniel Rogers, Magellan and da gama
  4. Template:Citation/core/sandbox