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-- Welcoming Bot 06:24, 13 October 2020 (UTC)Reply

Pages are now imported to tay.wikipedia.org


Hi, all Wp/tay content from Incubator should now be on the new wiki, so it should be ready for use. If you see any pages that are missing, please inform me so it can be fixed. However, when a wiki has just been created, there are can be some problems at the start. This is because some things can only be set up after the wiki has been created. Normally they will all be solved within 2 weeks, usually much faster. The problems that I am a aware of are:

  • Visual editor may not work properly in the beginning. You should be able to create new pages with visual editor, but editing existing pages with it may show an error message or just a blank page. In that case, use the source editor instead.
  • Content translation is not yet available.
  • Wikidata support (both for interwiki links and for fetching info via modules) is not yet enabled.
  • Statistics on Special:Statistics, as well as from magic words like {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}, all show 0 even though pages have been imported.
  • Searching for anything other than page titles does not work yet.

If any of these problems last longer than 2 weeks, or if you notice anything else, please do contact me, and I will help find out how to solve any issues. The same goes if I have missed anything in the import.

Because this is a new wiki, there are no administrators. I suggest you start a page for a community portal, and hold an election for temporary administrators. Once a few users have shown support for one or more users and some time passed, you can request temporary adminship on m:Steward requests/Permissions. Let me know if you need any help.

Congratulations on the opening of the new wiki, and the best of luck! --MF-W {a, b} 17:49, 18 March 2021 (UTC)Reply

@MF-Warburg: Good day there!

Thank you for the information. I've started a vote and request to take the admibship on m:Steward requests/Permissions.

By the way, here just one more question to see if you can help that can we have directly connections between for examples, Chinese Wikipedia and our Atayal Wikipedia through the list of languages on the main page. The connection can help people who mostly use Chinese version here to notice we have made our Atayal Wikipedia successfully. I've tried to connect the sites on wikidata but it doesn't really work now. It will be great if the connections work after the problems that you have mentioned above are all solved. Iyumu (talk) 02:20, 24 March 2021 (UTC)Reply

It seems that the connections with other Wikipedia are good now. Only for the Statistics problems, we would like to see how or where can we go fix it. Thank you! Iyumu (talk) 06:09, 29 March 2021 (UTC)Reply

Hi Iyumu, sorry that I'm late. When I look at the statistics on taywiki now, they look good to me. So is the problem solved? --MF-W {a, b} 23:10, 2 April 2021 (UTC)Reply

Hi there MF-W,

Yes! Thank you! It seems the problems are solved. Have a good day. Iyumu (talk) 05:10, 6 April 2021 (UTC)Reply

The name of the Paiwan language in itself



I see that you have made some contributions to the Incubator in Paiwan.

What is the best way to write the name of this language in the Paiwan language itself? Online I found "Pinayuanan", "Vuculj", and some other variants.

Thanks! :) Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 16:16, 7 April 2021 (UTC)Reply


Dear Amir E. Aharoni,

Warm greetings from the Center for Aboriginal Studies(ALCD), National Chengchi University(NCCU)! I hope you are well especially in this tough time!

Sorry for the late reply! To name a language with a language itself has always been a challenge and difficulty for us; hence, we organized meetings with specialists, professors and members from the editing team of the Paiwan textbooks. Afterwards, we decided to title the Paiwan language with “Paiwan”, please refer to the following statements.

1. “Paiwan” is an official name announced by the government of Taiwan, referring to the Paiwan people or Paiwan language. Reviewing related historical resources, “Paiwan” means the Paiwan language in English, Chinese and Japanese.

2. Regarding “pinayuanan”, the awareness on self-identity raised in these years, causing Paiwan people strive to speak and write in their own language. “pinayuanan” is an example which some Paiwan peoples describe Paiwan language in their own language. The word is actually formed with “p-in-ayuan-an”. The middle “in” represents that this word is in perfect tense, whilst the last “an” means a location or a proper noun. Both of them are affixes, describing the radical “Payuan”. The radical “Payuan” has the same meaning to “Paiwan”.

3. ”Vuculj” is a branch of Paiwan, therefore, it cannot be generalized as the whole Paiwan language.

According to the above reasons, we determined to use “Paiwan” to describe the Paiwan Language, which is much easier to be understood and recognized by the public for its historical origins.

As you know, languages from 3 of 16 Taiwan indigenous peoples have been approved and gone online on Wikipedia, they are Sakizaya(2019), Tayal(2021) and Seediq(2021). Which surprises us and becomes stronger motivation for the team members. Therefore, we would like to express our appreciation on your close following and assistance on preserving Taiwan Indigenous languages.

In recent, Amis has been removed from the active list; however, Paiwan has been included into the active list. We believe that the development in preserving Taiwan Indigenous languages will go further and better through the Taiwan Indigenous Language Wikipedia Program in the future.

Again, thanks for your comment left here. We hope our explanations would be helpful to you. If you have other questions, please feel free to contact us! In the meantime, please stay healthy and take care!

Warm regards, Center for Aboriginal Studies(ALCD) Iyumu (talk) 08:04, 18 May 2021 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for the response.
I still don't understand, however. You say that "Paiwan" is the name in English, Chinese and Japanese, but what I am looking for is the name in Paiwan. So, when writing in Paiwan, will it be "paiwan" or "pinayuanan"? Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 08:37, 18 May 2021 (UTC)Reply

Dear Amir E. Aharoni,

I hope you are well.

Thanks for your questions about how Paiwan people write and call their languages in Paiwan.

Taking Paiwan textbooks as our references, the Paiwan language has four branches. One branch calls their language as “kinacalisian” whilst the other three call the Paiwan language as “pinayuanan”.

Thus, we couldn’t say “pinayuanan” is the best way to generalize the whole Paiwan language at this stage, but that is the most common word used by most Paiwan people to call their language. So for your question, we can only say “pinayuanan” is the way that most Paiwan people write their language in Paiwan.

We hope this will be helpful to you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.Iyumu (talk) 03:18, 28 May 2021 (UTC)Reply

Thanks! I've defined it as "pinayuanan".
I see that the main page of the Incubator says "Vuculj". Perhaps you'll want to change it. Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 11:46, 28 May 2021 (UTC)Reply

Dear Amir E. Aharoni,

As you noticed the homepage of the Paiwan incubator goes with "vucuji", which was edited by the other editor. Although there is no word to generalize the Paiwan language at this stage, we’ve changed it to pinayuanan, which is more reasonable than vucuji. Many thanks for your suggestion. Moreover, could we please have your e-mail address? As we would like to provide textbooks regarding how four branches write and call the Paiwan language in Paiwan for your reference.Iyumu (talk) 08:25, 1 June 2021 (UTC)Reply

Hi! My email address is amir.aharoni at mail.huji.ac.il. Thanks! Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 09:18, 1 June 2021 (UTC)Reply
Hi! I've just sent it to you. Please check it. Thank you and have a good day!Iyumu (talk) 09:48, 1 June 2021 (UTC)Reply
Thanks! :) Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 12:01, 1 June 2021 (UTC)Reply

Paiwan namespace names



What will be the namespace names in Paiwan?

You can read more about it here: translatewiki:Translating:MediaWiki#Translating namespace names.

Just send me the response here, and I'll add it to the code.

Thanks! Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 11:34, 28 May 2021 (UTC)Reply


For the translation of the namespace, we’re still in discussion. We’ll get back to you soon when having a result for it. Thank you for following closely to it. Iyumu (talk) 08:26, 1 June 2021 (UTC)Reply

No rush. Thanks! Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 09:19, 1 June 2021 (UTC)Reply
Hi! The namespace names in Paiwan were translated. Please check the content below.
Core namespaces
Namespace name In Paiwan
Media kipusalimaliman ta siljingasan
Special pinakisumaljiyan
Talk kakaljavaran
User avan a kipakamanguanguaq
User talk avan a kipakamanguanguaq_kakaljavaran
Wikipedia talk wikipidiya_kakaljavaran
File sineqetj a vecik
File talk sineqetj a vecik_kakaljavaran
MediaWiki MediaWiki
MediaWiki talk MediaWiki_kakaljavaran
Template kakivauvaljan
Template talk kakivauvaljan_kakaljavaran
Help remasudj
Help talk remasudj_kakaljavaran
Category pinapapilipiliqan
Category talk pinapapilipiliqan_kakaljavaran

Thank you and have a good day! iyumu   06:03, 4 August 2021 (UTC)Reply

Capital letters


Does Paiwan use capital letters?

I see that some translations in translatewiki use capital letters like, and some don't. You should probably be consistent about it. Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 11:49, 28 May 2021 (UTC)Reply


In terms of capital letters used or not used in the page, there is no certain writing forms in Paiwan. That’s why some sentences are written with non-capital letters whilst some are described with capital letters. But we've noted it and will discuss that matter to decide if the first word in a sentence should go with capital or non-capital whilst checking the translatewiki page. Iyumu (talk) 08:28, 1 June 2021 (UTC)Reply



Hi, I sorry to bother but I would like to ask you whether you could please translate this to Bân-lâm-gú?

Lingua Franca Nova (“Elefen”) is a language designed to be particularly simple, consistent, and easy to learn for international communications. It has a number of positive qualities.

Thanks. --Caro de Segeda (talk) 07:42, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

@Caro de Segeda Hi there. Sure I can put translation here.
Lingua Franca Nova (“Elefen”) sī chi̍t chióng lâng siat-kè chhut-lâi ê ōe-gí. I chin kán-tan, koh ū phiau-chún hòa. Hō͘ lâng beh o̍h chin kán-tan. Thang-hó iōng lâi hâm kok-chè kau-liû. Chit khoán ōe ū chiâⁿ chē iu-tiám. iyumu   08:10, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Could you please translate this? It is the last part.
1. It has a limited number of phonemes. It sounds similar to Italian or Spanish.
2. It is phonetically spelled. No child should have to spend years learning irregularities.
3. It has a completely regular grammar, similar to the world’s creoles.
4. It has a limited and completely regular set of productive affixes for routine word derivation.
5. It has well-defined rules for word order, in keeping with many major languages.
6. Its vocabulary is strongly rooted in modern Romance languages. These languages are themselves widespread and influential, plus they have contributed the major part of English vocabulary.
7. It is designed to be naturally accepting of Latin and Greek technical neologisms, the de facto “world standard”.
8. It is designed to seem relatively “natural” to those who are familiar with Romance languages, without being any more difficult for others to learn.
We hope you like Elefen!
Thanks for your help. Caro de Segeda (talk) 08:25, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
1. I bô kòe liōng ê gí-im. Thiaⁿ khí-lâi kap Italy ōe he̍k-chiá sī Se-pan-gâ ōe sio-siâng.
2. I án-chóaⁿ kóng tō án-chóaⁿ siá. Gín-á m̄ bián khai kúi-nā nî ê sî-kan lâi o̍h hiah ê bô kui-chek ê piàn-hòa.
3. I ê bûn-hoat kui-chek lóng chiàu pō͘ lâi. Kap sè-kài siōng ê lām leh kóng ê ōe sio-siâng.
4. I ê jī chin ū kui-chek. Ū chi̍t kóa kò͘-tēng ê jī ē-tàng the̍h lâi tàu chêng tàu bóe, iōng kāng-khoán ê hong-hoat ē-tàng iân-sin chhut sin sû.
5. I gí-sû ê sūn-sī lóng chiàu kui-chek, kap chin chē chú-liû ê ōe-gí it-ti̍t.
6. I ê gí-sû tāi to-sò͘ ùi hiān-tāi Lô-má ōe lâi. Chiah ê ōe in pún-sin tio̍h chin liû-thong, chin liû-hêng. Koh ū chin chē Eng-gí sû mā sī ùi hia lâi.
7. Án-ne siat-kè sī ūi tio̍h beh chū-jiân chiap-siū Latin kap Hi-la̍h ê ki-su̍t sèng ê sin miâ-sû. Chin-chiàⁿ sī ū "sè-kài phiau-chún".
8. Siong-tùi lâi kóng, goân-té tio̍h tùi Lô-má ōe-gí ū se̍k--ê, in beh o̍h khah chū-jiân. Tùi kî-thaⁿ ê lâng lâi kóng, mā bē chin khùn-lân.
Gún hi-bāng lín ē kah-ì Elefen!
iyumu   09:56, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. How would you say "Introduction in Bân-lâm-gú"? Caro de Segeda (talk) 12:22, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
"Introduction" = siāu-kài.
We don't called the language Bân-lâm-gú but Tâi-oân-ōe.
So "introduction in Tâi-oân-ōe" = iōng Tâi-oân-ōe lâi siāu-kài. iyumu   02:31, 3 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thank you so much. Caro de Segeda (talk) 05:35, 3 August 2023 (UTC)Reply