Kawell example:

Mapudungun edit

(Alfabeto Unificado)


Üy edit

  1. Kiñe moyokechi kulliñ. Ti pu kawell lef lefüy ka ti pu che fey pürakawellüy.

Raguileo alphabet spelling edit

  • (link to kawej)

Kawej example:

Mapuzugun edit

(Grafemario Raguileo)


Vy edit

  1. Kiñe moyokeci kujiñ. Ti pu kawej lef lefvy ka ti pu ce fey pvrakawejvy.

Unified mapuche alphabet spelling edit

  • (link to kawell)

Mara example: (with same spelling in Unified alphabet and Raguileo alphabet)

Mapudungun edit

(Unified mapuche alphabet)


Üy edit

  1. Kiñe pichi kulliñ.

Mapuzugun edit

(Raguileo alphabet)


Vy edit

  1. Kiñe pici kujiñ.

Test edit


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