User:Ĉiuĵaŭde/sandbox/Wp Enrican

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Bijenvehnuh suhr Uikipedija en n'Ènrikein !

Uelkom inn Uikipedja in Anrikan !

L'Ènrikein e un fo grup deh leng ki rehgrup deu leng duh tip "kreöl": L'Eindè et l'Einglè.
Theh Anrikan iz fols languäge famali uitch av tu kraöl-like languägz: Inda and Ingla.
The Enrican is false language familiy which have two creole-like languages: the Hindais and Hinglais.

Aktuhèlmen, il j'a 1 lokuhteur ki parl se leng. Aktuhahli, der iz 1 persen hu spiks diz languäggz.
Actually, there is 1 person who speaks these "languages".

For know and understand the Enrican language family, click, in "Leng/Languäge" section, on "Ingla/Hinglais" and/or "Eindè/Hinglais".


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Amerik/Amërikah - Europa - Aziah/Azi - Ahfrika/Afrik


Ingla/Einglè - Inda/Eindè - List of speakers of Enrican


Cristianismo - Judaísmo - Protestantismo - Catolicismo - Animismo  - Budaismo -


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Historia - Ciencias - Química - Física - Biología - Geología - Astronomía -


Futbol - Bazbol/Bezbol - Boks - Tanis/Tenis -