이 틀은 기후 도표를 출력합니다.
{{Climate chart}}의 내적 용도로 사용됩니다.
최소한, 이 틀은 최저 및 최고 평균 온도를 표시하는데 사용됩니다. 여행자들은 평균 온도를 알고 싶어할 것입니다. 지구상에서 가장 더운 곳인 에티오피아 댈롤의 기후는 다음과 같습니다. :
기후 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Climate chart (explanation) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
몇 가지 다른 통계도 표시가 가능합니다. These are 강수량, 강설량, 일광, 해수 온도입니다. 이 모든 것을 관련지을 수 있는 곳은 생각하기 어렵습니다. 그러나, 한가지 예시로는 남극의 맥머도 기지가 있습니다.:
McMurdo Station | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Climate chart (explanation) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
edit{{Climate| units = Metric | janhigh = | febhigh = | marhigh = | aprhigh = | mayhigh = | junhigh = | julhigh = | aughigh = | sephigh = | octhigh = | novhigh = | dechigh = | janlow = | feblow = | marlow = | aprlow = | maylow = | junlow = | jullow = | auglow = | seplow = | octlow = | novlow = | declow = | janprecip = | febprecip = | marprecip = | aprprecip = | mayprecip = | junprecip = | julprecip = | augprecip = | sepprecip = | octprecip = | novprecip = | decprecip = | jansnow = | febsnow = | marsnow = | aprsnow = | maysnow = | junsnow = | julsnow = | augsnow = | sepsnow = | octsnow = | novsnow = | decsnow = | jansun = | febsun = | marsun = | aprsun = | maysun = | junsun = | julsun = | augsun = | sepsun = | octsun = | novsun = | decsun = | janh2o = | febh2o = | marh2o = | aprh2o = | mayh2o = | junh2o = | julh2o = | augh2o = | seph2o = | octh2o = | novh2o = | dech2o = | description = '''Here''' type some descriptive text about the location's climate. No literal line breaks are permitted in this text but <br/> and other correctly formatted HTML is okay. See [[Template talk:ClimateDev1#Note]] if an '''equal sign''' is needed in the text. }}
위 설명은 Template:Wy/ko/기후/설명문서의 내용을 가져와 보여주고 있습니다. (편집 | 역사) 이 틀에 대한 수정 연습과 시험은 연습장 (만들기)과 시험장 (만들기)에서 할 수 있습니다. 분류와 인터위키는 /설명문서에 넣어주세요. 이 틀에 딸린 문서. |
This template formats simple climate info. Give it Metric or Imperial units of measure depending which is appropriate for the location you describe. Note: For US destinations http://mountaininterval.org/wikivoyage/climate.html can be used to automatically generate {{climate}} templates populated with data from the NOAA monthly normal dataset (1981-2010) that can then be copied into Wikivoyage articles.
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
align | align | Either "right", "left", "center" or "none". Default is "right". A value of "none" will display the table inline. | String | optional |
janhigh | janhigh | The average high temperature for January | Number | suggested |
febhigh | febhigh | The average high temperature for February | Number | suggested |
marhigh | marhigh | The average high temperature for March | Number | suggested |
aprhigh | aprhigh | The average high temperature for April | Number | suggested |
mayhigh | mayhigh | The average high temperature for May | Number | suggested |
junhigh | junhigh | The average high temperature for June | Number | suggested |
julhigh | julhigh | The average high temperature for July | Number | suggested |
aughigh | aughigh | The average high temperature for August | Number | suggested |
sephigh | sephigh | The average high temperature for September | Number | suggested |
octhigh | octhigh | The average high temperature for October | Number | suggested |
novhigh | novhigh | The average high temperature for November | Number | suggested |
dechigh | dechigh | The average high temperature for December | Number | suggested |
units | units | Either "metric" or "imperial". Set units = Metric if the table is using Metric units (Celsius and centimeters) or to units = Imperial for Imperial units (Fahrenheit and inches). Please use units of measure appropriate to the location the page describes (Imperial in USA but Metric almost everywhere else) per Project:Measurements. | String | required |
janlow | janlow | The average low temperature for January | Number | suggested |
feblow | feblow | The average low temperature for February | Number | suggested |
marlow | marlow | The average low temperature for March | Number | suggested |
aprlow | aprlow | The average low temperature for April | Number | suggested |
maylow | maylow | The average low temperature for May | Number | suggested |
junlow | junlow | The average low temperature for June | Number | suggested |
jullow | jullow | The average low temperature for July | Number | suggested |
auglow | auglow | The average low temperature for August | Number | suggested |
seplow | seplow | The average low temperature for September | Number | suggested |
octlow | octlow | The average low temperature for October | Number | suggested |
novlow | novlow | The average low temperature for November | Number | suggested |
declow | declow | The average low temperature for December | Number | suggested |
janprecip | janprecip | The average rainfall amount for January | Number | suggested |
febprecip | febprecip | The average rainfall amount for February | Number | suggested |
marprecip | marprecip | The average rainfall amount for March | Number | suggested |
aprprecip | aprprecip | The average rainfall amount for April | Number | suggested |
mayprecip | mayprecip | The average rainfall amount for May | Number | suggested |
junprecip | junprecip | The average rainfall amount for June | Number | suggested |
julprecip | julprecip | The average rainfall amount for July | Number | suggested |
augprecip | augprecip | The average rainfall amount for August | Number | suggested |
sepprecip | sepprecip | The average rainfall amount for September | Number | suggested |
octprecip | octprecip | The average rainfall amount for October | Number | suggested |
novprecip | novprecip | The average rainfall amount for November | Number | suggested |
decprecip | decprecip | The average rainfall amount for December | Number | suggested |
jansnow | jansnow | The average snowfall amount for January | Number | optional |
febsnow | febsnow | The average snowfall amount for February | Number | optional |
marsnow | marsnow | The average snowfall amount for March | Number | optional |
aprsnow | aprsnow | The average snowfall amount for April | Number | optional |
maysnow | maysnow | The average snowfall amount for May | Number | optional |
junsnow | junsnow | The average snowfall amount for June | Number | optional |
julsnow | julsnow | The average snowfall amount for July | Number | optional |
augsnow | augsnow | The average snowfall amount for August | Number | optional |
sepsnow | sepsnow | The average snowfall amount for September | Number | optional |
octsnow | octsnow | The average snowfall amount for October | Number | optional |
novsnow | novsnow | The average snowfall amount for November | Number | optional |
decsnow | decsnow | The average snowfall amount for December | Number | optional |
jansun | jansun | The average amount of sunlight per day for January | Number | optional |
febsun | febsun | The average amount of sunlight per day for February | Number | optional |
marsun | marsun | The average amount of sunlight per day for March | Number | optional |
aprsun | aprsun | The average amount of sunlight per day for April | Number | optional |
maysun | maysun | The average amount of sunlight per day for May | Number | optional |
junsun | junsun | The average amount of sunlight per day for June | Number | optional |
julsun | julsun | The average amount of sunlight per day for July | Number | optional |
augsun | augsun | The average amount of sunlight per day for August | Number | optional |
sepsun | sepsun | The average amount of sunlight per day for September | Number | optional |
octsun | octsun | The average amount of sunlight per day for October | Number | optional |
novsun | novsun | The average amount of sunlight per day for November | Number | optional |
decsun | decsun | The average amount of sunlight per day for December | Number | optional |
janh2o | janh2o | The average sea temperature for January | Number | optional |
febh2o | febh2o | The average sea temperature for February | Number | optional |
marh2o | marh2o | The average sea temperature for March | Number | optional |
aprh2o | aprh2o | The average sea temperature for April | Number | optional |
mayh2o | mayh2o | The average sea temperature for May | Number | optional |
junh2o | junh2o | The average sea temperature for June | Number | optional |
julh2o | julh2o | The average sea temperature for July | Number | optional |
augh2o | augh2o | The average sea temperature for August | Number | optional |
seph2o | seph2o | The average sea temperature for September | Number | optional |
octh2o | octh2o | The average sea temperature for October | Number | optional |
novh2o | novh2o | The average sea temperature for November | Number | optional |
dech2o | dech2o | The average sea temperature for December | Number | optional |
description | description | Optional text that will be displayed at the bottom of the climate table. This field is often used to include the {{forecastNOAA}} daily forecast or other information related to the climate data.
| String | required |