
[en] Introduction to Sylheti Wikipedia


Sylheti Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that contains articles written in the Sylheti language. The Sylheti language is spoken by over 10 million people worldwide, primarily in the northern part of Bangladesh and the Indian state of Assam. The Sylheti script and numeral systems are unique to the language, making it an important cultural and historical aspect of the region.

Introducing Sylheti Wikipedia to the world is important for several reasons. Firstly, it is aimed at preserving the Sylheti language, which is gradually losing its significance due to the widespread usage of Bengali and English. As a result, many Sylheti words and phrases are slowly becoming extinct. An online platform like Sylheti Wikipedia can help to revive and conserve the language.

Secondly, Sylheti Wikipedia is critical in promoting Sylheti culture and history. Sylheti cuisine, music, dance, and festivals are unique and distinctive from other Bengali cultures. They are not as widely recognised as Bengali and other cultures, but they are just as significant. Through Sylheti Wikipedia, the world could learn more about the rich cultural heritage of the Sylheti people.

Additionally, Sylheti Wikipedia provides an opportunity for the Sylheti people to showcase their language, history and culture to the world. It can help to foster national and global appreciation of Sylheti language and its importance in the region's cultural, social and economic context.

The significance of Sylheti script is also worth mentioning here. Sylheti script speculated as an adaptation of the Kaithi script, but it has several unique features. The script is slowly losing its prominence and has become less popular, primarily due to the widespread usage of other scripts. This makes it crucial to promote and preserve the script.

Similarly, the Sylheti numeral system is also unique to the language. It differs from the widely used Hindu-Arabic numeral system. It has been historically used in various commercial activities and still holds significance amongst enthusiasts. By providing a platform to promote and publicise the Sylheti language, Sylheti Wikipedia can be instrumental in preserving the Sylheti script and numeral system.

Sylheti Wikipedia is an essential resource and platform for the Sylheti people globally. It preserves and promotes the Sylheti language, history and culture for future generations, celebrates the language's unique script and numeral systems, and enables people worldwide to learn about Sylheti culture and history. Therefore, we invite everyone worldwide to visit and support Sylheti Wikipedia and learn more about this remarkable language and culture.