Talk:Wp/liv/Pythagoras kītõmi

Pythagoras I would write Pitagoras - and kītõmi kītimi. But this word has here a meaning far away from the usual meaning, which is close connected with communication about language. teorēm might be better as the international term for this sort of sentences or tieudli kītimi. The täuž in the word täužnūrkli I found in livonian never before in this special meaning, but I think, it is an import from estonian. The word for proof I corrected by the word of my personal dictionary, where it was not an isolated word, but an example put in into a context. I am so sorry, that the proof is not part of this article. In the latvian Wikipedia 'pitagora teorēma' just below the 'satura rādītājs' there is a fine visual proof, which would transform the article into the world of mathematics. I do not know, how to transform it. Even more mathematical is, what follows. But it could be terrify those, who learned at school, that math too difficult ! I think, that the readers of the livonian wiki should not be terrified by overscientific articles. These articles as a material for reading, where it is often so difficult to find other articles, to avoid, that the language leaves the brain, when it is really difficult, to find partners for speaking the language - after the courses. In there are only old articles in this language, and Linda, who wrote in for the livonian page one article in this language. But, when the first net-dictionary was closed, she could not continue her activity, for she had no paper-dictionary, to look for needed words.

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