This page is a translated version of the page Incubator:Administrators/top and the translation is 44% complete.
Kukumbira rubatsiro kubva kumutungamiri, enda ku Incubator:Vatungamiriri' zviziviso.

Mapoka evashandisi paIncubator

Ona Special:ListGroupRights kuti uone rondedzero yakazara yemapoka evashandisi ne kodzero dzavo. Kuchinja kweboka remushandisi kunonyorwa pa Special:Log/rights. (Cherechedzai, zvisinei, kuti kodzero zhinji pano—zvakanyanya kodzero dzekutonga bvunzo—dzine mazuva ekupedzisira otomatiki. Kupedzisira otomatiki hakunyorerwi.)

Vatariri/ Vatungamiriri veruzamo

Mutungamiriri wekuedza ndiye anopa basa rakaita basa rekuedza pano paIncubator uyo akapiwa kodzero dzekuita kuti kuedza ikoko kuitwe.
Kodzero dzevashandisi
  • Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page
  • Delete pages
  • Undelete a page
  • View deleted history entries, without their associated text
  • Block or unblock a user from sending email
  • Block or unblock other users from editing
  • Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages
Zvisinei, vanogona kushandisa zvishandiso zvavo pamapeji/vashandisi chete mukuedza kwavo. Cherechedza kuti izvi hazvichengetwi nehurongwa hwekombiyuta, asi nevamwe vashandisi (kunyanya vatungamiriri nevamiriri). Kana ukaita chimwe chinhu kunze kwomuedzo wako, gadzirira kudzivirira zvaunoita kana kuti unogona kusarambwa.
Cherechedzo kune vatariri veruzamo vane ruzivo rwe sysop pamamwe mapurojekiti: Kodzero huru dze sysop dzamunenge musina pano ndedzinotevera (a) kubvisa shanduro, (b) kugadzirisa muMediaWiki namespace, uye (c) kudzivirirwa. Bata mutariri pa I:AN kana uchida rubatsiro pamisoro iyoyo.
  • Panogona kuva nevanodzora bvunzo dzakawanda bvunzo imwe chete, uye zvinopesana, unogona kuva muongorori bvunzo dzakawanda kupfuura bvunzo imwe.
  • Unofanira kuva nepeji remushandisi paIncubator kana paMeta uye uve mupiro kune iyi wiki.
  • Bvunzo yako inofanira kuva nemapeji/zvinyorwa zvinopfuura makuni mashanu. Zvikumbiro zvekuedzwa kwakawanda zvinofanira kusanganisira bvunzo imwe chete ine zvinhu makumi mashanu kana kupfuura.
  • Hamusi vatsva zvachose kumapurojekiti eWikimidhiya, uye munonzwisisa uye munobvumirana nezvinangwa zvepurojekiti yeIncubator.
  • Unobvuma kutevera zvakakodzera Mitemo sezvo izvo zvakagadzirwa pano.
Kukumbira basa rehutungamiri weruzamo
  • Isa chikumbiro chako, kusanganisira zita romuedzo (s) waunoshanda nawo, pasi apa pa#Current requests for test adminship.
  • Vashandisi vanopiwa mazuva mashanu kuti vataure. Pashure penguva iyi, zvikumbiro zvicharangarirwa nemunhu ane masimba uye kana pasina kupikisa kwakakodzera, uchaitwa kuti uve mutariri.
    • Zvikumbiro zvekuedzwa kwebasa hazvisi zvekuvhota. Idzo mikana yokuti vamwe vashandisi vaise matambudziko angangodaro. Kana usingawani mhinduro zvachose pasi pezita rako, hazvirevi kuti uri mushandisi akaipa; zvinoreva kuti hapana ane chero chinopesana newe kuva muongorori weongororo.
  • Unogona zvakare kutora hurukuro papeji re "community portal" remutemo. Mushure memazuva angangoita mashanu, unogona kuwedzera chikumbiro chako pano, kuitira kuti mukuru abvumidze nezvazvo zvakananga.
Kubviswa uye kuvandudzwa kwemvumo
  • Vadzidzisi vebvunzo vachabviswa pakugadziriswa kwemashoko emutauro wavo kana gore rapera.
  • Pashure pegore, vatungamiriri vebvunzo vanogona kungokumbira kuti basa ravo rokuongorora ridzorerwe.
Tarisa Incubator:ruzamo-Vatungamiriri kuti uwane runyorwa rwevashandi vekuyedza varipo.
Multiple tests
  • A request can be for more than one test, provided the request meets the requirements noted above.
  • Similarly, a test-administrator can request being added to an additional test or tests during the middle of their year as a test-administrator, and the same rules apply. In this case, the rights for the new tests are for less than a full year, because they will expire the same day as the rights for the first test. After that, all tests can be renewed at the same time for one year each.


Administrator access can be granted to known and trusted members of the community who are familiar with the policies of Wikimedia's Incubator wiki. Adminship status on Wikimedia Incubator is not an honour for outstanding content contributors but just an additional tool for people that showed that they want to clean up. Administrator access is also not meant to imply editorial authority on the project. An administrator is simply a trusted user who can:

  • Change protection settings and edit cascade-protected pages
  • Delete pages
  • Undelete a page
  • Block or unblock other users from editing
  • Block or unblock a user from sending email
  • Edit the user interface
  • more …

You can request adminship on the Incubator if you meet the following criteria:

  • You are not completely new to Wikimedia projects and you understand and agree with the goals of the Incubator project.
  • You have a user page on the Incubator and are a contributor to this wiki.
  • You agree to follow relevant policies as those are developed here and respect consensus of the users of this site.

As with the admin policy on Meta and Commons, inactive administrators may have their access removed. According to this policy, any sysop inactive on Incubator will be desysoped. "Inactive" means virtually no edits or log actions in the past twelve months. Inactive administrators may re-apply in the regular way.

Admins are expected to watch the Administrators' noticeboard for notices put up by other users.

When requesting adminship, after seven days, a bureaucrat will make a decision based on the votes and comments to grant, not to grant, or to extend the time for discussion if there is still need for it.

Any new admin should first propose (on the Community Portal for example) what they are going to do (certainly for mass-scale actions) before doing it. This is to prevent mass-scale mistakes that need to be reverted manually afterwards. Some time later (a few months or so), when the admin is used to common practices, this is no longer required.


Bureaucrats are administrators who can assign user rights of requests on this page.

There are no requests for bureaucratship; any administrator may optionally ask to become a bureaucrat after one month (providing they have behaved well).

Account creators

Currently on Wikimedia projects, the number of accounts that can be created in a 24-hour period from a single IP is limited to six. There may be situations, such as outreach events, where creating more would be helpful.

Administrators and bureaucrats are already exempt from the six-account limit and do not need this right. Anyone else (including test administrators) needing an exemption from the six-account limit for a specific event should ask here.

  • This right will normally be granted only to people with a history of responsible editing on Incubator and other Wikimedia projects.
  • When asking for this right, please provide detailed information on the reason you need the right (such as the time, place and sponsorship of the outreach event). This right will be provided only for the period needed, and then removed.
  • Ideally, please ask for this right at least three days in advance to provide time for comments. After that, a bureaucrat will make the decision.


Importers have the possibility to import pages with the full history from certain defined wikis (administrators can do this too). Additionally, they are able to edit pages in bulk from XML files, which is used for importing closed projects.

Transwiki importers can import from the same defined wikis, but cannot import in bulk from XML files.

When requesting importer access, after three days, a bureaucrat will make a decision based on the votes and comments to grant, not to grant, or to extend the time for discussion if there is still need for it.

When you are already an administrator, no waiting time is needed. Bureaucrats are also able to grant these rights to themselves.

Interface administrators

Interface administrators can edit JavaScript (JS), Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) and JSON pages (pages such as MediaWiki:Common.js, MediaWiki:Vector.css). They can also edit users' individual CSS and JS pages which otherwise can only by edited by the users themselves. CSS and JS access is particularly sensitive due to the possible damage caused by intentional or accidental misuse, so it is important that interface administrators ensure they practice good account security and be careful with the changes they make. For legal and security reasons, the Wikimedia Foundation has decided that you need to have two factor authentication enabled in order to hold this right.

Bureaucrats are able to grant and revoke these rights, including to themselves. Please make requests in the appropriate section below. They will run for at least 7 days.

This right is granted for no longer than one year at a time to non-administrators, but is renewable.

Translation administrators

  • There is a special usergroup which allows editing the MediaWiki namespace: the translator group. It was originally created for translating Incubator-specific messages in the MediaWiki namespace (see Incubator:Translation project). It is nowadays largely outdated, as most of the messages can now be translated on or via the local installation of the "Translate" extension. It may still be granted for specific purposes.
  • The translation administrator group is for managing the pages which can be translated with the Translate extension.

Bureaucrats decide about granting both rights. Administrators can also add/remove the translation administrator rights on their own accounts. They are removed when a bureaucrat deems appropriate to do so (e.g. inactivity).


The edits of an account with bot status will be hidden from the recent changes.

To request a bot status, please list you and your bot's name below along with a description of what your bot will be used for. A bureaucrat will decide if a bot is safe and needed though any user may make a comment about it. Note: Bots for mass article creation are typically not approved. The ultimate approval of projects into subdomains is based on the existence of active communities, not only the numbers of articles.

Requests for permissions

Below are the current requests for permissions.

Please always first read the policy written above before making a request.