Template:Wn/cv/Lead article 4


2009-çулхи ППЭ пуçланчĕ

2009-çултан ППЭ - Раççей шкулĕсене пĕтерекенсене валли патшалăх пĕтĕмлетÿ аттестацийĕн тĕп тулашĕ пулĕ.
[edit lead]

Ку тĕп статья аялта сылтăм енче вырнаçнă.


{{Wn/cv/New lead article
  |edit this=Template:Lead article 4 <-- ан улăштар 
  |image=                  <-- Image to be displayed.
  |width=400px             <-- Width of image. Varies widely - make sure you check how it looks on the Main Page!
  |order=right             <-- Position of image. Leave as "right".
  |type=none               <-- Report type. Can be "breaking", "original", "special", or "none".
  |title=                  <-- Story title. Displayed as Headline.
  |link=                   <-- Headline link. Normally the same as title
  |intro=                  <-- Optional intro that also links to the story. Comes just before synopsis.
  |synopsis=               <-- Story synopsis.
  |font=                   <-- Optional font declaration line.
  |font size=              <-- Optional font size declaration line.