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/* ===== Searching ===== */
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/* ===== Template:Code-disambig ===== */s
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/* ===== [[Template:Translations]] ==== */
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/* Displays an external link if it were an internal link. Use this only on special pages, and with links to incubator itself! */

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/* ===== Namespace background colors ===== */
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/* Help: */
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/* ===== Error formatting ===== */
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/* Remove bullets when there are multiple edit page warnings */
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/* ===== Template:Test_wiki ===== */
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/* ===== Notices etc ===== */
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/* RTL Languages
 * Not only languages don't exist in MediaWiki,
 * required also for discussion pages, example usage:
 *  <div lang="fa">
 *     ...
 *  </div>
[lang=ur] { /* @noflip */ 
    direction: rtl;

/* Babel */ table th { width: 56px; }

/* Abuuuuse! */
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/* Future Special:IncubatorFirstSteps */
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 * Obsolete stuff warnings

/* .prettytable */
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/* Sitenotice per test wiki (experimental) */
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